By Luke Hillmer
Part 1: Akimoto Kumiko
It was 2013 and Akimoto “Aki” Kumiko was just starting Middle School. She had just come out as being transgender. She was bullied for being transgender, which was very hard on her. Outside of school she would think fondly of movies with anthropomorphic animals. Such as the original Disney Robin Hood and The Jungle book cartoons. One day when Aki was home from school, she got on YouTube, and saw a comic about anthropomorphic animals, it a was at this point where Aki was drawn into the furry fandom.
“I don't know,” says Aki, “I guess I just kind of subconsciously was drawn into the fandom and have since experienced both the highs and lows within it.”
Aki believes that everything has it’s pros and cons, and that the furry fandom is no different.
“I saw the rise of popularity for the fandom itself,” says Aki, “But the quality started taking a nose dive into a free fall. Like when I first joined it wasn't associated with pornography or weird sexual tendencies, but as the fandom grows it gets more and more associated with those things than it should have.”
Aki believes that the furry fandom currently has a split between a side that “likes it for the porn” and a side that “likes it because it’s cool”. She currently identifies as being on the non-porn side of the fandom. This hasn’t stopped her from getting bullied online, however.
“You know how preteens and early teens can be with this kind of thing,” said Aki, “Alienating a person or group of people because they like something different, or think a different way, or what have you. They would beat me up and jump and such, but my best friend made them turn tail and run.”
Although Aki isn’t personally a part of the sexual side of the furry community, she doesn’t have anything against those who are.
“It’s absolutely fine if you're into furries in that way,” says Aki. “I don’t believe it is bestiality, because it’s not directly a dog or any other animal. I feel like its fine, every fandom has its sexual side after all.”
Aki believes that the societal pressure has been lessoning ever since the distinction between the sexual and non-sexual sides of the furry fandom was made more clear to the public.
“It got better and has been getting better, ever since [the split],” says Aki. “Things became wholesome again.”
From personal experience, Aki says that the “likes it because it’s cool” side of the fanbase is warm and welcoming. Aki has spent the past five years enjoying fan animations in the furry community. In 2016, she found herself really enjoying the Disney film Zootopia.
“I was a huge fan, Disney nodded its hat towards us.” Aki said, “I thought it was a good movie with tons of references and an overall fun family Disney experience.”
If it weren’t for the internet though, Aki says that she never would have identified herself as a furry: a result of societal pressure and bullying. If it weren’t for this pressure, and this bullying, then Aki believes confidently that she would have found her calling to the furry fandom just as naturally as she did on the internet. Today, Aki is 18 years old, and proud to be a furry.
Part 2: Rocket
“Rocket” is the online username of a specific, anonymous individual, who has only recently stepped into the furry fandom.
“What got me into it was just kinda curiosity from another one of my friends who is a furry,” says Rocket. “He showed me art from it mostly, and I started to notice a lot of the art was really really well drawn so I just started looking more and more.”
Rocket currently searches through “e621” for furry art. “e621” is a social web application (furry and anthropomorphic image board) that allows users to upload, share, and tag images. It is based off of and inspired by a more popular, massive image sharing site called Danbooru.
“A lot of art on there can be pretty cringe worthy, not for the faint of heart.” says Rocket.
Rocket keeps his life as a furry as a complete secret. Despite being interested in furry art, his interest in such things are almost completely private, none of his friends know that he is currently interested in looking up images and comics of anthropomorphic animals and their adventures.
“I’m keeping it as much on the down low as I can,” says Rocket, “I think I’m technically in [a furry Discord server] but they don’t even know I’m a furry. They are furries and furry allies I just said I’m an ally. I wanna keep this a secret that no one knows because I feel it would be horrible if my friends found out I looked at furry art or had any interest in furries.”
According to Rocket, furries are pretty despised around the internet and will get ridiculed hard. Rocket has often heard his own friends express extreme disdain furries. Here is an example of a conversation he has had, for the sake of anonymity the friend will be referred to as “X”:
Rocket: “What’s wrong with being a furry ? I consider myself one you know”
X: “So you admit it to me” “You disgust me” “Jk”
Rocket: “Nah I was just kidding” “I was hoping for a funny reaction”
X: “For real though they are a blight on societ and need to be purged”
Rocket: “I don’t think that”
X: “If they want to be treated like animals then treat them like animals and start putting them down when they misbehave.”
Rocket: “Damn dude calm”
X: “It’s true tho”
Rocket: “Nah that’s kinda fucked up”
Any time Rocket is around his friends, he plays it off like he has zero interest in the fandom. Normally, Rocket is very open and casual, but being a furry is something that he makes an exception for, he tries his hardest to keep it private.
“I'm normally open about everything and I mean everything,” says Rocket, “I have had long detailed conversations about my fetishes and stuff like that before didn’t feel awkward at all but this I want to keep hidden.”
Rocket believes that there is both a sexual and non-sexual side of the furry community, he sees himself on the non-sexual side of it but personally doesn’t have anything against the sexual side of it.
“I approve of it.” says Rocket, “as long as it is legal and if another person is involved consensually, I say do whatever you want. That sexual half of it is just another fetish in my eyes.”
Currently, Rocket feels safe, considering he’s keeping his furry side hidden on the internet. That being said, he is concerned over the idea of his secret being revealed.
“I feel if people did know I’d get a lot of social pressures and hate, but physically I think I’d be just fine.” Says Rocket.
Rocket’s future appears to be filled with looking at more furry art in secrecy, which inspires him to draw his own art. Here’s a drawing that Rocket drew of his Racoon fursona:
Part 3: Jet
Jet is a 24 year old man who has been in the furry community for 3 years. He’s had an interest in the community for probably five years. He’s not entirely certain what got him into it, but he knows that his first exposure to the community was through Team Fortress 2, or TF2. Jet used play on community TF2 servers and befriended people on Steam who he liked. Some of those people Jet befriended were furries.
To be more specific. Jet enjoyed playing on a prominent “micspam” server, meaning a server where people would play the game and take turns using custom software to play music over the in game mic system as, what Jet desrcribes, as a “sort of crowdsourced dj thing”. Jet remembers that his first real exposure to the furry community was from a player who used to post an in game spray message of an anthropomorphic furry character looking miffed with the text "Just because I'm a furry doesn't mean I like furry porn!" Jet says he still knows this user.
“He's a cool guy,” says Jet. “He lives in Washington, owns a house now. No longer a furry though.
According to Jet, this particular user later admitted in private that the spray message he was using in TF2 was in fact implying something that wasn't true - He did look at furry porn, lots and lots of it.
“One thing I want to make clear here is that the people in this fandom who say their interest does not stem from a sexual place is either lying to you or lying to themselves.” Says Jet.
Today, Jet wanders from server to server on Discord, looking for decent people to become friends with, and he insists that the vast majority of furries do, at the very least, have a sexual interest in anthropomorphic art.
“I've been hopping around furry discord servers and friend groups for the last 3 or so years,” says Jet, “and every single person who I've talked to that initially said they do not have a sexual interest in furries has later doubled back on that claim.”
According to Jet, there is a ton of denial in the fandom. Jet theorizes that a lot of it is just some attempt at image control, people denying their own perversions publically. Throughout his time in the fandom, Jet has received many unsolicited dick pics, what he can only describe as “animal dildo pics”, as well as all sorts of unsolicited pornography.
“I don't know why but it seems like most people on here are decent people but like you spend a few hours chatting them up and bam porn.” Says Jet
To clarify, Jet is a member of the more sexual side of the furry fanbase. He personally enjoys some weird kinks and fetishes, and he has several hundred NSFW pages on favorited.
“I don't think that that side of the fandom is necessarily harmful on its own,” says Jet, “however I believe that side of the fandom can get out of hand very very easily. Also I would just appreciate if they kept the weird stuff to themselves like 90% of the time.”
Listing off some of the examples of “weird stuff” that Jet has witnessed yields some rather disturbing results. Jet describes a particular disturbing encounter with a user who had a dragon fursona,
“He tells me all about how he wants me to kill him and eat him,” says Jet “And then he starts talking about how nice it is to disembowel people. Like I never indicated that I wanted to hear about that kind of stuff, and for the record gore and vore are absolutely not my thing.”
According to Jet, this dragon user also heavily implied that he wanted to “do things with animal carcasses”, implying necrophilic activities. Jet expressed an incredible disgust towards this, especially considering the possible exposure of this sort of behavior to younger furries.
“It just happens like every day I talk to someone new,” says Jet. “There is an extreme end to all of this, and all of it is completely unfiltered. The part where I believe it gets harmful is due to the exposure that young people have to this sort of stuff. I believe that is a serious problem.”
In addition to witnessing cases necrophilia, Jet has also witnessed older furries praying on younger furries in the sexual portion of the community.
“I had been on several discord servers with hardcore fetish art channels that had zero age restriction, and no age restriction on the server itself either,” Jet says. “I know for a fact a couple of people on that server were 12.”
Jet is confident that a considerable fraction of the furry community includes older furries that are trying to take advantage of younger furries. However, Jet has personally witnessed widescale implementation of age restriction rules on erotic role playing, or ERP. But even if this is the case, it doesn’t stop older users from engaging in erotic roleplaying with younger furries via direct messaging. The issue goes even deeper when younger furries pretend to be older for the sake of trying to engage in ERP with older users, Jet almost had an experience with that.
“One of them, who I thought was a friend of mine, revealed to me he was a 16 year old masquerading as a 19 year old after about six months of me knowing him,” says Jet. “Thankfully I had not done any erotic anything with him, though he did show me porn he commissioned of his fursona.”
This 16 year old furry also informed Jet that there were many older people who engage in ERP with him despite knowing his real age. This would not be the last time that Jet would meet someone like this too.
“The first person who ever solicited me for anything sexual was a sixteen year old who completely disregarded the fact that I was 21 and he was 16,” says Jet. “Also, my first ‘boyfriend’ was somebody who was three years older than me, and later revealed to me that he, prior to meeting me, had been engaging in activity with that person.”
Across over 14 different servers over the past three years, Jet has personally witnessed dozens of smaller examples of minors and older men being engaged in relationships. He’s usually reacted to this behavior with disgust, and just tried his best to ignore it. That is, until Jet ran across a particular server that had been running an extremely hardcore fetish roleplay server with channels named things like "Slave Auction" and "Execution Block". It’s probably worth mentioning that this particular server was run by furry claiming to be 17 year old.
“I have been banned from 2 separate servers because I was expressing disgust for some of the things I've seen to the administrators (of said servers),” says Jet. “Maybe I wasn't being tactful enough I suppose. There is this whole culture in the fandom where if you find something disgusting you keep it to yourself”
One of the servers that Jet was banned from had a public ERP channel with no age restriction with an ongoing bdsm, sex trafficking roleplay, and rape roleplay. Jet personally witnessed two minors engaging in such rooms. As a result of witnessing this borderline criminal behavior within the furry fandom, Jet’s attachment to the fandom seems to be straining.
“Part of me would love to just detach and leave it all behind, and maybe one day I will,” says Jet.
Despite this, Jet still seems to believe in a good side of the fandom,
“I have known some genuinely good people in the fandom who are just kind of into weird kinks but are not morally bankrupt, these people have been good friends of mine.” Says Jet.
This is why it’s important to remember the ultimate motivations behind Jet, he’s a guy who’s ultimately jumping around on Discord, going from server to server, looking for good people to befriend.
“I never join for long anymore,” says Jet. “I hop in, see if there's anyone I might have some interest in making friends with by scrolling through the intros panel and looking for anyone who is over 20 and has anything remotely interesting in their bio, and then bail after a few days”
This being said, Jet doesn’t have many friends over Discord, he only has twenty four, and one of those is his alt account. This is most likely due to the fact that Jet only adds people who are over 20 as friends, and most of the people he comes across on Furry Discord channels are younger than that.
Jet is currently not planning on going anywhere in particular. He definitely won't ever get involved with any single community or server again, unless he happens to find some “magical place” where people are all adults but don't want to just talk about sex constantly. In real life, Jet will continue to keep his furry life private.
“I'll certainly try to maintain contact with the decent friends I have made on here,” says Jet, “and I might even go as far as to make a road trip out to visit them some time for entirely non-sexual reasons, just to meet up. I've got some friends on my friends list who are furries but also decent people and that's likely as far as I'm ever going to go again.”
Getting involved in the furry community has been a drastically life altering event for Jet, in the end he admits that he thinks that he would have been better off if he never got involved at all. He acknowledges that the furry fandom has probably done some people good, but he considers what it did to him to be a whole lot of bad.
“But it's hard to determine what the best course of action to take is when you're lonely and depressed. ” says Jet, “When you've spent three years of your life buried in this stuff it's kinda hard to just drop it and it becomes difficult to relate to people who haven't seen the sort of stuff I've seen.”